
Virtual London Marathon 2021

Jo Ashbridge

Jo Ashbridge

My Story

What's worse than a marathon?... a virtual one! No fellow runners to pull you along, no crowds shouting your name, no kind strangers fuelling you with jellybeans. Just you, the road and 26.2 gruelling miles.

So in (another) moment of madness that's what I've signed up to do. On 3rd October, I'll be taking on the Virtual London Marathon in aid of AzuKo.


It's been an incredibly challenging time for small charities over the last year, and for the communities they support. But small charities, like AzuKo, are on the frontline of this fight against COVID and against poverty. We need to support their mammoth efforts, so we can make this a fairer world for all.

AzuKo may be small, but it is mighty. And every step I take, every £ raised will enable the team to support families in need. Cheer me on, donate your spare change, and help end housing poverty in Bangladesh.

More information about AzuKo:

The training journey

I've given myself 18 weeks to get into shape. Running 4 times a week, building from a super slow 20 mins to (probably still super slow) 20 miles. So when I reach that 'start line', I'm ready to rock and roll. I'll run, walk, crawl the 26.2 miles (42.2km) on race day if I have to.

I'll be sharing my training journey via Facebook. Check it out: @jorunsvlm2021

Race day - 3rd October 2021

My number is V28156. Follow me on the official London Marathon app. I'll really need your cheers by mile 20+!

What impact will your donation have?

Everyone deserves a safe, clean, dignified place to call home. AzuKo is working to make this a reality, for those living in poverty.

Every £, €, $, ৳ will make a huge difference. AzuKo really does squeeze positive impact out of every pound. Thank you.



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

What's worse than a marathon?... a virtual one! No fellow runners to pull you along, no crowds shouting your name, no kind strangers fuelling you with jellybeans. Just you, the road and 26.2 gruelling miles.

So in (another) moment of madness that's what I've signed up to do. On 3rd October, I'll be taking on the Virtual London Marathon in aid of AzuKo.


It's been an incredibly challenging time for small charities over the last year, and for the communities they support. But small charities, like AzuKo, are on the frontline of this fight against COVID and against poverty. We need to support their mammoth efforts, so we can make this a fairer world for all.

AzuKo may be small, but it is mighty. And every step I take, every £ raised will enable the team to support families in need. Cheer me on, donate your spare change, and help end housing poverty in Bangladesh.

More information about AzuKo:

The training journey

I've given myself 18 weeks to get into shape. Running 4 times a week, building from a super slow 20 mins to (probably still super slow) 20 miles. So when I reach that 'start line', I'm ready to rock and roll. I'll run, walk, crawl the 26.2 miles (42.2km) on race day if I have to.

I'll be sharing my training journey via Facebook. Check it out: @jorunsvlm2021

Race day - 3rd October 2021

My number is V28156. Follow me on the official London Marathon app. I'll really need your cheers by mile 20+!

What impact will your donation have?

Everyone deserves a safe, clean, dignified place to call home. AzuKo is working to make this a reality, for those living in poverty.

Every £, €, $, ৳ will make a huge difference. AzuKo really does squeeze positive impact out of every pound. Thank you.